Wednesday, September 8, 2010

RAMADAN'S over, bring me a GOD DAMN BEER..

back to europe and i'm now the proud owner of a 6kg turgle burger!
I was shitting for about 15minutes and i don't meaning reading/chillin/relaxin/shootin' some meatball outside of the school, i mean actual shitting.

Trust in meat. Meat is your friend.

Back in action! Click for a closer look, you can see the cut of points of the logs. TEXT BOOK. You'd be forgiven for mistaking this as a Rembrandt with textures like that.

Moroccan cuisine. Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.

I can..more stinging, watery shits. about 10 a day. give or take 20.

..and just as the holiday was going so well, DISASTER STRIKES!!

..that fucking soup cost me 4kg.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Say what you see.. what's Mr.Chips doing??



Those Eastern toilets can take a solid pasting.

'cos i'm a bloody bloke.

Take that turd back to the stable, and give it a kiss.

A couple of nuts there gleaming through from the ol'chicken & cashew nut family favourite!

What can i say? I'm an artist.

A good 50euros before and what's it worth after??
A quid? 50cents? i'll bet you wouldn't even pay that.
Exactly my point.